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Papperskorg: Nej,
T.o.m.: 2024-12-22,
Tävlande: Nova Ljungström Grek

Row 1 - 46 av 46
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Papperskorg: Nej,
T.o.m.: 2024-12-22,
Tävlande: Nova Ljungström Grek


Date StartGameClass Competes for Res NumTeams Game Reg Status
241123 KDC Open Disco Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 14 Anmäld
241123 KDC Open British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 3 Anmäld
241123 KDC Open Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 9 Anmäld
241012 Art Dance Discochallenge Disco Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK S Struken
241012 Art Dance Discochallenge Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK S Struken
241012 Art Dance Discochallenge British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Adult / Junior IDSK S Struken
240914 Independence Cup Disco Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 25 Anmäld
240914 Independence Cup Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 11 Anmäld
240914 Independence Cup British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Adult / Junior IDSK 3 Anmäld
240518 Jailhouse Disco Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 9 Anmäld
240518 Jailhouse Disco British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Adult / Junior IDSK 5 Anmäld
240518 Jailhouse Disco Disco Solo Rekrytering Junior IDSK 16 Anmäld
240427 Independance Cup British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 3  / 4 Anmäld
240427 Independance Cup Disco Solo Rekrytering Junior / Youth IDSK 7  / 10 Anmäld
240427 Independance Cup Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 7  / 8 Anmäld
240224 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Slowdance Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 9 Anmäld
240224 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Junior IDSK 5 Anmäld
240224 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Disco Solo Rekrytering Youth / Junior IDSK 7 Anmäld
231111 KDC Open Slowdance Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 8  / 8 Anmäld
231111 KDC Open British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 7  / 7 Anmäld
231111 KDC Open Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 14 Anmäld
231028 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Slowdance Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 7  / 8 Anmäld
231028 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 6  / 6 Anmäld
231028 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 14 Anmäld
230930 Independance Cup (X) Slowdance Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 7  / 7 Anmäld
230930 Independance Cup (X) British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 5  / 5 Anmäld
230930 Independance Cup (X) Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 17 Anmäld
230527 Jailhouse Disco Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 17 Anmäld
230527 Jailhouse Disco Slowdance Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 6  / 6 Anmäld
230527 Jailhouse Disco British Freestyle Solo Rising Star Children IDSK 4  / 4 Anmäld
230415 KDC Open Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK S  / 14 Struken
230415 KDC Open British Freestyle Solo Rekrytering Kids / Children IDSK S  / 4 Struken
230415 KDC Open Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK S  / 13 Struken
230318 Golden disco, slow and performing arts Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 15 Anmäld
230318 Golden disco, slow and performing arts Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 13 Anmäld
230304 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Disco Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 18 Anmäld
230304 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge British Freestyle Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 5 Anmäld
230304 Dansverkstan Disco Challenge Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Kids / Children IDSK 4  / 15 Anmäld
221112 Independance Cup British Freestyle Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 5 Anmäld
221112 Independance Cup Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 10 Anmäld
221105 MölDK Challenge Cup Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK 4  / 6 Anmäld
221022 Dance Challenge Disco, British Freestyle, Slowdance, Performing arts Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children IDSK Anmäld
220910 KDC Open Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Kids / Children IDSK 4  / 7 Anmäld
220507 Dynamic Disco & Slowdance Cup Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Children / Kids IDSK 4  / 9 Anmäld
220402 KDC Open Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Kids / Children IDSK 4  / 5 Anmäld
211120 Independance Cup Slowdance Solo Rekrytering Kids / Children IDSK 4  / 11 Anmäld
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© Mina Aktiviteter 2024-12-22