A sense of place: how a foreigner fell in love with a Swedish farm
Can you have a relationship with a particular place, in the same way you can with a person? And can that relationship develop over time? Gwyneth tells the story of a farm on Tjörn that she has know for over thirty years. She describes the objects she has found there which not only shed light on past lives, but also relate to the wider histories of Bohuslän and Sweden.
Gwyneth Olofsson came to Sweden to teach English to Swedish companies. For fifteen years she wrote a regular column in Volvo’s Global magazine on intercultural questions and the challenges involved when using English as a second language. She has had four books published, the second of which, When in Rome or Rio or Riyadh, came out in the US where it was named an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine. Last but not least, Gwyneth now teaches English at Senioruniversitetet in Gothenburg.
OBS: Gwyneths webbsida om gården på Tjörn är på engelska (se www.communico.se) och föreläsningen kommer att vara på samma språk, men frågor och kommentarer från publiken får gärna vara på svenska.
Tid: Tisdag 13 februari kl. 10.00-12.15 (inkl. 15 min. kaffepaus)
Lokal: Göteborgs Adventkyrka, Norra Allégatan 6
Avgift: 270 kr
Göteborgs Adventkyrka, Norra Allégatan 6, 41301 Göteborg
City: Göteborg
Where: Möteslokal, Göteborgs Adventkyrka
When: Tis 10.00-12.15
Start: 2024-02-13 (216 dagar sedan)
Price: 270 kr
Organizer: Senioruniversitetet i Göteborg
Membership: Required
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